
Thursday, March 13, 2008

Is Obama's Pastor a Liability?

Here is an article I ran across that says some pretty radical things about 9/11. Read the article and decide for yourself if this man is a potential problem for Obama's campaign.


Anonymous said...

Wow, and he calls this guy an "uncle". Now it makes sense why Michelle Obama said she had never been proud to be an American.

pdrez said...

My god, if this article or stories about this deviant pastor circulate throughout mainstream media, then Obama had better come out and openly repudiate Rev. Wright's inflammatory comments about the United States, just as Clinton has repudiated Ferraro's "black" comments (which were far less controversial than this).

I'm not gonna lump Obama and Rev. Wright in the same category, but the pastor's egregious rhetoric is deplorable. Obama should get as far away from this man as possible, it just looks horrible that he has credited a man with such vitriolic anti-American sentiment in his book , The Audacity of Hope. And on the matter, he has only said "he's like the uncle who says things I don't agree with." That is not enough. In no way am I saying Obama believes in what Rev. Wright has asserted (read the article), but he had better come out in the public and repudiate these comments. Don't you think? It's his pastor for goodness sakes! He takes advice from this man at church! I think middle America would like to here what Obama has to say about him. So do I.

Anonymous said...

this is great ammo for clinton AND mccain!

GrahamS said...

I certainly see this as a huge potential problem. One way he could get around it is that now he's retired they could have a big ship-off celebration where they focus on all the positive things he's done and said. This way Obama will have something to fall back on as a positive influence from this "uncle" of his and say that he certainly didn't agree with his anti-American views.