
Monday, March 17, 2008

Political Absurdity

The democratic process has been violated to the utmost with an upper case 'U.' The other day in the local Camden at Gaines Ranch (my apt complex) monthly meeting of residents and potential residents and visitors curious about our community, some very disturbing events took place. In what was suppose to be a vote if we should begin recycling glass, turned into a dictatorship and put an asterisk next to the meeting minutes in the history books. It's a given that I want to recycle glass but I can only make a decision based on perspectives from both sides. The fact that Tom Morecilli wasn't allowed to explain why recycling glass would be a burden on our community forced local residents to vote without necessary and complete information. I'm a fair person and maintain a strict diet of supplements from local stores but when I'm forced to vote without the proper information to make a qualified decision then our so-called apartment community who boasts a 'democratic' community is clearly nothing more than a mockery of something that could be such a great thing.


ASK said...

This is an example of the American Fabric deteriorating before our very eyes. Tom sounds like an underrepresented faction of your community and deserves every right, as well as the respect to be heard.

I implore you, and whoever else lives in the community to write a letter to the owners of the complex expressing your concerns but I doubt it will be of much use. They are undoubtedly controlled by third party groups like real estate investors.

The only solution I see to this dilemma is a complete overhaul of American values. One must respect democracy and cannot tout a method of voting or any kind of assembly as being democratic unless they choose to see all sides of the issue.

This is reminiscent of the recent Russian election where Putin controls state media and would not allowed others to be heard equally. Serious change is in order and only the people can make that happen

pdrez said...

Although on a much smaller level, this sounds reminiscent of the supposed disenfranchising in the Texas caucuses. The bullying, dictatorial negligence perpetrated by both Obama and Clinton supporters on their opponent's camps. I don't know who this Tom Morecilli guy is, but it sounds like he got the shaft. I hope you and your fellow tenants can right this wrong and bring much needed democracy to Gaines Ranch!

N8 said...

Wow, I almost signed a lease at Gaines Ranch but upon inspection I discovered a major insect infestation. After reading this post, I am glad I moved elsewhere!

The President 2020 said...

I've heard some good arguments for not recycling glass. One is that it requires more energy to melt the glass and re use than it does to just make glass. Environmentally and economically sound to not recycle the glass. But that could be wrong. That was according to a UT Economics professor. And you can't always believe everything they say.